We adapt our routine to guarantee the safety of all our professionals and users, based on recommendations made by the different Professional Orders, especially OMD, DGS, CFO, CDC.
This summary only refers to additional protection measures in addition to all the others not mentioned that were already part of our rigorous asepsis and disinfection protocol (e.g. protection of handles, disinfection of clinical surfaces, and equipment between patients, etc.
Additional reinforcement measures:
- Upon arriving at our clinic, we pass disinfectant rugs and the use of a mask is mandatory. Each user receives a pair of sterile props at the entrance and disinfects his hands with 70% gel alcohol. All personal belongings, suitcase, mobile phone of the user are packed in a plastic bag and closed.
- The number of seats at the reception was reduced, respecting the social distance rule between users. We receive a maximum of 3 users in the waiting room at a time.
- The furniture in the waiting rooms was changed to chairs made with materials that are easy to disinfect. Any unnecessary props (magazines, decorative objects, etc.) were removed to improve disinfection throughout the day, which is carried out with virucide every 1 hour, on surfaces and floors
- For air recirculation, in addition to the doors and windows, we have air extractors installed throughout the clinical area, which allows the creation of negative pressure in the offices and constant renewal of the air. We apply virucide spray at 2 pm and 7:30 pm on all air conditioning units, and between consultations in each office.
- Protection of the reception service area with a physical barrier in transparent acrylic only allow users with a prior appointment who come for consultation or treatments to enter the Clinic.
- Appointments, cancellations, rescheduling appointments or requests for information only by telephone when possible; Important: in case of the appearance of symptoms compatible with COVID-19 before a scheduled appointment (fever, cough, shortness of breath, weakness, loss of smell, loss of taste) contact the SNS24 line (808 24 24 24) and enter contact us to deselect said consultation;
- The entry of companions to the clinical offices will only be allowed to the companions of minors and in particular cases of adults who need and effectively benefit from this accompaniment (in these cases only one companion will be allowed to enter);
- Upon entering the office, the user sanitizes his hands, removes the mask, and rinses with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 seconds. Spit pans are deactivated, the mouthwash liquid must be aspirated. At the end of the consultation, replace the mask and clean your hands again.
- The personal protective equipment (PPE) of Dentists and Dental Assistants was reinforced, namely:– use of double filtration masks (ex: FPP2 Europe / N95 USA / KN95 China) and the use of surgical mask over the mask FPP2;– use of eye protection (Glasses, Eyeglasses and/or Visor);
– use of waterproof suits/robes washable at 60 degrees, which are disinfected with quick-acting virucidal spray between each visit, and changed several times throughout the day;
– use of shoes for exclusive use in the clinic, washable at 60 degrees;
– use of a waterproof cap or dome.
- Upon completion of treatment, the contaminated pair of gloves will be removed and all instruments will be taken to the disinfection and sterilization zone. In the meantime, all the protections we have placed on the surfaces with the greatest risk of cross-infection (plastic or aluminium foil), bib, pair of external gloves, as well as the remaining contaminated material, will be deposited as usual in a suitable dustbin (with rigid lid activated) pedal and protected with a black plastic bag). The difference in procedure is that once filled, the bag will be closed and placed in a second bag that will also be closed, and then deposited as usual in the contaminated container of the waste collection company (AMBIMED).
- At the end of each and every consultation in which aerosol is produced (by using a scaler, turbines, etc.), we inactivate each room for 45 minutes to proceed with the complete disinfection of the surfaces, ventilation in the space, UV disinfection, virucidal spray, exchange of protection barriers, cleaning of floors and surfaces).
- Whenever possible, use electronic payment methods. Reception staff should immediately disinfect the MB terminal, ballpoint, or other equipment that may have been shared with the user
- Before leaving the Clinic, disinfect your hands with alcoholic gel on the way out. Once at work or once home, we must take into account some very important good practices in the time we live in order to protect those close to us (co-workers, friends, family, etc.):
Prevention of Professional Risks
- All the employees and collaborators of the Clinic are educated about the symptoms of COVID-19 and are obliged to notify the Clinical Direction in time of the appearance of any suspicious symptoms. In that case, you will be advised not to visit the Clinic and to contact the SNS24 telephone line (808 24 24 24).